About FCM
-Module to calculate VISA IRF for SMS entities.
-FCM could be used both on the issuer side and on the acquirer side (different licenses depending on the role of the client).
-Services included in FCM:
• An API for easier integration for the bank.
• Back office administration.
-The Fee Calculation Module (FCM) includes interchange fees on VISA Single Message Systems (SMS). Includes INTERNATIONAL, INTRA (EUROPE) and national/national rates. Additional domestic fees may be added as needed for each country.
-The module uses rule management to be able to identify considerations for:
• International rates.
• Intra rates (EUROPE).
• The national rates for each country are defined: Spain, Portugal, etc.
Software and configuration
-WUL4 FCM is configured and managed through a management console.
-One could manage, change rates and remove and include new rates as needed.
-Since the logic of calculating fees changes continuously, FCM uses a rule engine based software to decide the Fee/FPI Descriptor to apply to a specific transaction. Rules can be added/updated on request.
-WUL4 FCM could work as a stand-alone service and members could request fare calculation via API via:
• ISO-8583.
• REST API / Web service.
• BATCH files.
• Etc.

First Deployment Option
-The Acquiring/Issuing Entity may request advice on rate information using the original messages as a source.
-Rate information request based on API using the original message as a source (generally housed in the facilities of the Banking Entity).

Second implementation option
-The Issuer/Acquirer/Entity receives the rate information included in the VISA message.
-Already deployed with VISA SMS clients in Spain.

WUL4 products and solutions are owned and developed by WUL4.
The intellectual property 100% is the property of WUL4.
The software architecture is based on Java and J2EE to allow services to be scaled as needed.